Custom Graphic Solutions Tailored to any Budget = Increased Revenue
February 16th marked the return to work for most businesses across Ontario. As we all navigate to our “new norm”, employers are working hard to get their revenues back up while staying within government PPE guidelines. Ensuring work environments are safe, implementing new regulations and providing equipment such as gloves, masks and barriers, (due to Covid19), are new expenses and challenges we all face. With these costly charges, some companies are now putting other necessary business expenses on hold. While these new adjustments are imperative, increasing profits are a bit more difficult. However, there are ways to promote your business that cater to your budget.
Utilizing existing advertising materials
Often people are quick to toss out old signs and promotional items but why not repurpose them? Refacing existing A-frame signs or other signages can save tons of money and give an entirely new look. Using temporary films also allows you to put graphics on top of existing ones for short periods of time. These remove quickly and easily and won’t ruin your substrates. This is a great way to promote sales, upcoming events and post notifications. Sometimes replacing an entire sign isn’t the most cost effective, especially when there are many other ways to update the look for a fraction of the cost.
Personal PPE
Face coverings are the new accessory to an outfit these days. Having to wear them is mandatory so why not buy ones with cool designs and colours to match your outfit or personality? A neat way employers can incorporate face coverings in the workplace is by having their logos on them. Whether staff are working the floors, running company errands or tending to customers, these masks are hard to ignore. Nevermind the disposable masks that get thrown out and need to be replaced constantly, reusable and washable masks are more economical. Every opportunity to showcase your company and saving money is worth it!
Unique Media Solutions is dedicated to helping companies maximize their growth through the strategic use of custom graphics and signage. If you are looking to freshen up or repurpose your existing signage contact us. We work with all budgets and together, we can customize any graphic to suit your needs.
Check out some more of our specialty graphics here.
If you are interested in learning more about decals or wraps please call us at 1-844-466-6555 or visit our location at 1375 Hopkins St. Whitby, ON. We’d love to answer your questions and provide you with a quote.